dilluns, 19 de novembre del 2012

Charlie & the big green button

The first year of University in Menorca I had an English class where we had to create a story. With some classmates we invented “Charlie and the green big button”. After class, one of our classmates illustrated the story at home with her daughter and husband. The final product you can see under the next lines.

What I like it the most from this activity is that as a teacher you can ask to your pupils to create a story all together. Whether children can write or are still at the prewriting stage, they all can illustrate the story.

Digital story books
There are so many tools available on the Net to create digital story books. One example is Storybird, a free storytelling website that encourages creativity helping you to make short stories that you can share and print if you wish.
Children love stories so let them be creative creating stories.

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